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Urban and Regional Planning: For Graduate Students

A research guide for those interested in Urban Planning at the University of Colorado Denver

Writing a Dissertation or Thesis?

Before you get started on your dissertation or thesis research, make an appointment with librarian Karen Sobel (karen [dot] dobel [at] ucdenver [dot] edu). After your appointment, you'll understand several things better:

-Which databases and other resources are most appropriate for your research

-Which keywords find the best results for your topic in each database

-How to find high-resolution images for your research

-Most importantly, you'll understand how to change your research strategies as your questions change.

If you'd like to see dissertations/theses that other students have written for your advisor, go to Dissertations and Theses at the CU System. Enter your advisor's name.


Annotated Bibliographies

Literature Reviews

Watch the following video from NCSU for more literature review advice.

Zotero: Citation Management Software

Zotero is a free piece of citation management software, available through It creates bibliographies in many citation formats. It also stores copies of articles that you use in your research. Your Zotero account syncs between computers and is accessible online. It also connects with Word and Google Docs. Watch this video for more information on Zotero's capabilities.

What Kinds of Info Do Different Sources Offer?

books --> background, structure of a topic, history of a topic, detailed overview of a topic

peer-reviewed articles --> in-depth research/commentary/criticism on a focused topic, statistics (selected, in context of a study)

reference sources (such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, etc.) --> quick information that we tend to "look up." May be highly tailored to a specific professional field.

trade articles --> commentary and professional information by and for professionals in a specific field

historic maps & neighborhood information --> details on what a very specific area was like in the past. Work with the data & draw your own conclusions. Images can be very helpful. (Note: Denver Public Library's digital collections are the best source for this info on Denver neighborhoods.)