What is the difference between statistics and data? Sometimes the two words are used interchangeably when they are two different things.
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) maintains and provides access to an archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers training in quantitative methods to facilitate effective data use. Auraria campus users (faculty, staff, students) must register for a personal ICPSR account from an on-campus, networked computer (or a VPN connection) to be able to download data.
Qualitative Data: Non-numerical data. Examples: eye color, socioeconomic status
Quantitative Data: Numerical data. Examples: height, shoe size
Continuous Data: Continuous data can have an infinite number of values and therefore 0 is not meaningful. Examples: weight, height
Discrete Data: Discrete data has finite values and a meaningful 0. Example: number of people living in a household
Time-Series: Studying the same variable over time; the instrument is the same but different people will be used.
Longitudinal: Typically are surveys that are taken over time with the same people, but not always the same survey or instrument.