IF YOU'RE AN ENTREPRENEUR: For a business to survive and prosper, it's leadership needs to know the demographics of it customer population (age, race, income, home ownership, etc.), the economic health of the areas in which they live, the cost and availability of labor where the business is located, current interest rates, and much more. See below for links that may provide you with that information, or show you how to find it yourself when searching the internet.
IF YOU'RE A BUSINESS RESEARCHER: Here you'll find Colorado, national, and international statistics on a variety of topics, including economic and demographic data.
Many government websites and publications include statistics; however, government websites can sometimes be frustrating to use and often it's easier to find statistics in government sources by using a search engine such as Google. Along with words to describe your topic, use these tricks to find statistics in government sources via Google:
Limit by URL Domain: site:gov
This limits your search to websites that end in "gov," which are typically U.S. (federal, state, and city) government websites.
Limit by Filetype: filetype:pdf
This limits your search to PDFs. Many government publications are in PDF format. Other filetypes such as .ppt (PowerPoints), .xls (Excel), and .doc (Word documents) work as well.
Add the word statistics to your search.
Example Searches
Here you can find statistics on Colorado's economy, demographics (age, race, income, home ownership, etc.), health, education, public safety, recreation, labor force, revenue and taxes, and more.
Below, you'll find data and research on the USA's gross domestic product (GDP), income, employment, production,prices,credit, stocks/securities, bankruptcy, etc. Also included are U.S. economic forcasts.
Available here is data on the demographics (age, race, income, home ownership, etc.), of the USA.
Use the links below to find U.S. labor statistics, including the unemployment rate, wages, productivity, poverty rate, and more.
Use the links below to find statistical information on countries around the world, including their employment, prices, industries, trade, population, education, health, and much more. Much of this is provided by well know international organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and World Trade Organization (WTO).
Data, statistics, and forecasts on the European Union as a whole and on separate countries within the Union. Explore data by theme, news, or country. To find facts about a specific country, click on Data visualizations, then Country facts. Eurostat relies on each country to send in their data, so it is sometimes incomplete. Includes the Eurostat Yearbook.
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