Offers quick facts, literary criticism, themes, sonnets, and more.
The Folger Shakespeare Library is an independent research library on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., in the United States. This website offers access to manuscripts, education resources, and tourist information.
The New Oxford Shakespeare presents a new consideration of all of Shakespeare's works, edited from first principles from the base-texts themselves, and drawing on the latest textual and theatrical scholarship. Additionally, it contains links to images for the appropriate folios and quartos, which are housed in the digital collections of the Bodleian Library, British Library, Folger Library, and Internet Shakespeare at the University of Victoria.
Many helpful websites and databases concerning English literature are specific to certain historical or artistic periods. This guide does not offer a comprehensive list but can provide a good starting place.
An award-winning internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion.
Fordham University's collection of resources relating to Medieval studies.
An anthology of English literature spanning from the Medieval era to the Restoration.
A database of Early English books.
A complex and detailed link tree of information surrounding Victorian literature, politics, and life in general.
The VRW offers a wide variety of resources concerning Victorian research, including links to primary sources like contemporary periodicals.
This project is focused on bringing awareness and scholarship to the works of Victorian women writers.
"The Project creates opportunities for collaborative research on Dickens and the Victorian age and disseminates research findings through annual conferences, institutes, and publications."
Though community discussion is at the front of this resource, it also includes a Scholarly Articles page.
A "digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction."
An exhibit analysing the art and literature of the 1960s, including a section detailing the works and history that led to 60s movements.
An electronic archive of American poetry up to 1920.
These are primary sources of popular serialized literature from the 19th - 20th century.
A horror and weird fiction website which offers a variety of author interviews, book reviews, and analyses of genre conventions and structure.
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