Statistics and data from the federal government on education in the U.S. Includes the Condition of Education and Digest of Education Statistics. Topics include assessments, Common Core, early childhood, elementary and secondary schools, libraries, and college.
Many government websites and publications include statistics; however, government websites can sometimes be frustrating to use and often it's easier to find statistics in government sources by using a search engine such as Google. Along with words to describe your topic, use these tricks to find statistics in government sources via Google:
Limit by URL Domain: site:gov
This limits your search to websites that end in "gov," which are typically U.S. (federal, state, and city) government websites.
Limit by Filetype: filetype:pdf
This limits your search to PDFs. Many government publications are in PDF format. Other filetypes such as .ppt (PowerPoints), .xls (Excel), and .doc (Word documents) work as well.
Add the word statistics to your search.
Example Searches
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