Full text plus abstracts of international peer-reviewed journals, exhibition reviews, trade publications, and museum bulletins. Topics inlcude new artists, contemporary art, archaeology, architecture, art history, film, industrial design, landscape architecture, marketing, photography, pottery, and sculpture.
Other Databases
The following databases are also of use to landscape architecture studies. These databases are not all periodical indexes, but will include articles and other materials on landscape architecture and related fields.
Full access to American newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, government documents, books, and other primary source materials. Topics include African American newspapers, women's suffrage, military histories, and more.
Includes thousands of full text local, regional, national, and international newspapers, as well as newswires, blogs, and more. Includes The Denver Post.
A multidisciplinary database that provides comprehensive coverage of the environmental sciences covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses. Â Includes abstracts and citations from scientific journals, conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books and government publications. Includes AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases and Conference Papers Index. Previously known as Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management.
BuildingGreen is a key resource for sustainable design and construction, offering reliable content on green building materials and high-performance case studies. It features articles on various topics, including land use, energy, and indoor environmental quality, along with information on LEED Credits. To access the full site, including quizzes and continuing education credits, users must create a personal profile using their school’s email address, such as ucdenver.edu or msudenver.edu.
Bibliographic citations to doctoral dissertations and masters theses from graduate schools and universities. Indexes from 1861 onward, provides abstracts from 1980 onward, and supplies 24-page previews from 1997 until the present. Includes full-text of the University of Colorado Systems dissertations on Dissertations & Theses @ University of Colorado System. Once you have identified the dissertation or thesis of interest, you can use Interlibrary Loan to borrow a copy.
A large collection of full-text interdisciplinary scholarly journals and books, with journal content, often extending to the first volume of a periodical. Auraria Library supplies access to these JSTOR collections: Arts & Sciences; Life Sciences, Biological Sciences; and the Health & General Sciences Collection.
Includes Grove Art Online (a comprehensive online encyclopedia of the visual arts including articles, biographies, and images), Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Oxford Art Online contains many images of art that are not available freely online. Limited to 6 simultaneous users.
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