Bibliographic citations to doctoral dissertations and masters theses from graduate schools and universities. Indexes from 1861 onward, provides abstracts from 1980 onward, and supplies 24-page previews from 1997 until the present. Includes full-text of the University of Colorado Systems dissertations on Dissertations & Theses @ University of Colorado System. Once you have identified the dissertation or thesis of interest, you can use Interlibrary Loan to borrow a copy.
An open access collection of theses and dissertations from over 200 universities and institutions worldwide. There is one large free search engine for this database, VTLS and links are provided to a number of specialized open access collections of theses and dissertations. The Auraria Library subscribes to Dissertations & Theses A&I.
Search citations and abstracts of dissertations and theses submitted by post-graduate students from all University of Colorado campuses and published in UMI's Dissertation Abstracts. Full text of many of those published after 1996 is downloadable.
Database provides access to more than 400,000 theses and dissertations from Canadian schools and universities.
The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation’s premier collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management. There are over 250,000 resources in the Homeland Security Digital Library. These items cover a wide range of homeland security topics and are carefully selected and evaluated by the HSDL team.
Sources include, but are not limited to:
Includes citations and some full-text for more than 1.5 million masters theses and doctoral dissertations from 1902 to the present. New citations include a link to access the full text, when available, via the Institutional Repository where the thesis or dissertation is housed.
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Denver, CO 80204
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