If you are researching someone who is current scholar/academic, you may run into some special challenges. Even if the person has already done influential work, he or she may not appear in any biographical sources. Here are a few options you can try:
Here is the basic order in which info about a scholar appears in media.
Newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and journals frequently profile famous and historic figures. Find those articles using the Library's databases.
Search for the word biographies, biography, or obituary combined with the name of a person, such as Julius Caesar biography. Use another descriptive word or phrase if you don't have a particular person in mind, such as biographies photographers, for example.
Nearly all of the Auraria Library article databases contain some biographical information. Here are a few examples of databases you might try:
Includes thousands of full text local, regional, national, and international newspapers, as well as newswires, blogs, and more. Includes The Denver Post.
A comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy, containing research content from journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. Also contains PhilArchives for archival content.
Find videos in streaming and physical formats that focus on the lives of individuals.
Below is a sampling of biographical videos.
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