Key Resources
Find media opportunities and marketing information including rates and contact data for national and/or international magazines, digital media, newspapers, television, radio, direct marketing, and out-of-home businesses; as well as demographic and lifestyle information for counties and metropolitan areas in the U.S. (through Local Market Profiles).
Online market research tool monitors economic trends and gives strategic analysis, market size, and market share for numerous products across key countries. Passport includes demographic, psychographic, economic and marketing reports, and statistics, which are comparable across countries. It provides country profiles that include economic news and emerging sectors, and integrated data sets that provide historical trends and forecasting numbers. Datasets may be downloaded to Excel.
EMIS presents news, industry information, company profiles, reports, financial data, closing price quotes, macroeconomic statistics and forecasts, and legal and political news from emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe. Include articles in over a dozen languages.
Supporting Resources
Data, statistics, and forecasts on the European Union as a whole and on separate countries within the Union. Explore data by theme, news, or country. To find facts about a specific country, click on Data visualizations, then Country facts. Eurostat relies on each country to send in their data, so it is sometimes incomplete. Includes the Eurostat Yearbook.
Research companies, the products and technologies they produce, and the markets in which they compete. Includes summaries and full text from business and trade journals, industry newsletters, newspapers, market research studies, news releases, and investment and brokerage firm reports.
The U.S. Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. Comprehensive data on the United States summarized and analyzed.
Demographics and Psychographics
According to Tsai and Lee, the internet revolution has placed a premium on identifying the ways in which demographics and psychographics affect consumer behaviors, and the acts of "price searching," and "price recall." Their thesis is that "there is a dynamic relationship in the ways that psychographics affects price-searching tendencies directly while demographics affect price-searching only "indirectly."
This relationship between price-searching tendencies tends to have a positive effect on "price recall," and is stronger when consumers buy discounted items.
Demographics: study of changes that occur in large groups of people over a period of time.
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Psychographics: the use of psychological, sociological, or anthropological factors, including self-concept and lifestyle to market products and to affect buying decisions made by consumers about the products they buy. Source: (Barry, J. and A. Weinstein, in "Business Psychographics Revisited")
Geodemographics: The study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp for market research.
Source: The Free Dictionary
Firmographics: the characteristics of an organization especially when used to segment markets in market research. What demographics are to people, firmographics are to organizations.
Source: Wikipedia
Distribution Channels: "What Channels of Distribution Affect Marketing?"
Barry, James, and Art Weinstein. "Business Psychographics Revisited: From Segmentation Theory To Successful Marketing Practice."Journal Of Marketing Management 25.3/4 (2009): 315-340. Business Source Premier. Web. 10 July 2013.
Bonoma and Shapiro Model is Adapted from: Bonoma, T. V. and Shapiro, V.P. (1983), Segmenting the Industrial Market, Lexington Bks.
Tsai, Dungchun, and Hsiao-Ching Lee. "Demographics, Psychographics, Price Searching And Recall In Retail Shopping."Service Industries Journal 29.9 (2009): 1243-1259. Business Source Premier. Web. 10 July 2013.
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