This guide provides a starting place for your market research. Much of market research starts with a "marketing plan".
A well-focused plan is essential for an effective search of article databases and industry sources. Think about your market:
Your answers to these questions are important. They will influence how you will use different resources from general news to in-depth academic journals to online databases. If you need assistance please ask us, via 24/7 chat, in person at the Ask Us desk, or by making a research consultation appointment.
Includes full text access to over 1,000 regional, national, and international scholarly business journals, business periodicals, and industry publications. Topics include management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and much more. Also has case studies, company profiles, country economic reports, industry reports, CountryWatch forecasts, market research reports, and SWOT analyses. the Icon Group.
EMIS presents news, industry information, company profiles, reports, financial data, closing price quotes, macroeconomic statistics and forecasts, and legal and political news from emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe. Include articles in over a dozen languages.
IBISWorld provides reports on hundreds of U.S. industries. Each report consists of 30 to 40 pages of key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, major industry participants and more. Metropolitan State University of Denver's College of Business provides funds to support access to IBISWorld.
Online market research tool monitors economic trends and gives strategic analysis, market size, and market share for numerous products across key countries. Passport includes demographic, psychographic, economic and marketing reports, and statistics, which are comparable across countries. It provides country profiles that include economic news and emerging sectors, and integrated data sets that provide historical trends and forecasting numbers. Datasets may be downloaded to Excel.
Find media opportunities and marketing information including rates and contact data for national and/or international magazines, digital media, newspapers, television, radio, direct marketing, and out-of-home businesses; as well as demographic and lifestyle information for counties and metropolitan areas in the U.S. (through Local Market Profiles).
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