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Searching by Information Type

There are many places to search for information, but some places are better than others for certain types of resources. Knowing where to search for something makes finding a relevant resource that much easier. 

For scholarly secondary sources -- like journal articles -- Start My Research is a great place to look. You should only find resources that are full-text accessible to you, since the library pays for access to many journals. You can also go to Google Scholar for open access articles. See below to link the Auraria Library catalog to Google Scholar. 

Books can be useful for history research, and depending on when they were published they may be freely available online or freely available to you through Start My Research. 

However, there are many other kinds of sources you may need to find for History classes, like primary sources. Primary sources can take different shapes - like a painting vs a newspaper - and they can be found in several different places - like one of our databases or a digital archive online. 

Finding Books via the Auraria Library

  • To find books and ebooks, search for by author, title, subject or keyword(s) describing your topic.
  • Your results will contain both print books and ebooks.
    • For print books, write down the call number to locate the book in the Library.
    • For ebooks, a green "Full Text Online" icon will appear beside the title. Click on the icon to access the full-text. 


If you search for: history handbook in Start My Research, you will find that we collect a number of handbooks on particular subjects. You can use the chapters in this handbooks as a jumping off point for your own research topic.