This guide will help you find data and statistics by sharing useful tools for discovering this type of information.
Advice for Finding Data and Statistics
Here are a few databases most likely to have datasets you can use.
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) maintains and provides access to an archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers training in quantitative methods to facilitate effective data use. Auraria campus users (faculty, staff, students) must register for a personal ICPSR account from an on-campus, networked computer (or a VPN connection) to be able to download data.
Supplies statistics and data from more than 400,000 government and non-government datasets. Data is viewable in tables, charts, maps, and graphs. Covers a wide range of topics including agriculture, arts, crime, employment and labor, defense, economy, education, energy, environment, geography, government, health, households and housing, immigration, politics, population, religion, social services, and transportation.
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