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Global Energy Management (GEM): Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship - Demonstration Topic

Framing the Research Statement: Social Entrepreneurship

"...The critical distinction between entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship lies in the value proposition itself. For the entrepreneur, the value proposition anticipates and is organized to serve markets that can comfortably afford the new product or service, and is thus designed to create financial profit...." (p. 34)

"....Instead, the social entrepreneur aims for value in the form of large-scale, transformational benefit that accrues to a significant segment of society at large...." (p. 34-35)

"....Unlike the entrepreneurial value proposition that assumes a market that can pay for the innovation, and may even provide substantial upside for investors, the social entrepreneurs value proposition targets an undeserved, neglected, or highly disadvantaged population that lacks the financial means or political clout to achieve the transformative benefit on its own ...." (p. 35)

From "Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition".  See below for link to article.