Altmetrics, or “alternative metrics,” are an emerging field for measuring the use and importance of scholarly articles. Altmetrics provide article-level data and are based on new electronic sources of information, such as number of downloads and page views, or the amount of discussion generated in online venues such as Twitter or blogs. Altmetrics is positioned as an alternative to bibliometrics. Almetrics does not have a strict definition and takes into account data from a variety of sources, for a variety of scholarly outputs (papers, presentations, videos, books, code, etc.), from a variety of audiences.
These tools will gather almetrics from a variety of places and create some kind of score or ranking.
The following are online tools - peer networks - created for an academic audience. Metrics from these tools can tell us about the scholarly impact of work.
The tools below are not designed specifically for academic use, but can be used to give insight into the impact of scholarship, especially the impact of the work in the public (nonacademic) sphere.
Social Media:
A Tweet sharing a link to access slides from a conference, showing the number of times it has been retweeted and liked.
Presentations (videos and slidedecks):
The number of views and likes of a video of a TED Talk presentation: