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Legislative Research - Federal

A guide to finding materials published by the U.S. Congress, through the Auraria Library and online.

Hearings and Committee Prints

Committee hearings are transcriptions of congressional committee hearings.

Committee prints, on the other hand, consist of a mixture of different types of congressional documentation. The content of committee prints vary depending on the needs of the committee and can include statistical materials, maps, analysis, and study results as well as other content types. Hearings and prints are not required to be published by law and have an irregular publication schedule, as they are released at the discretion of their authoring committees. The National Archives does, however, keep copies of congressional hearings.  


Recent hearings can also be found on the pages of the various committees on the House and Senate websites:

In the Library:

In addition to online access, the Library owns some physical hearings and committee prints. Complete historical collections may be found at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The University of Denver also has a good collection. Government publications at DPL may not be checked out; they may be checked out at CU-B and DU. Use Skyline or Prospector to find the call numbers.

Committee Reports

Committee reports detail the committee findings regarding proposed legislation. These reports will document committee investigations as well as opinions regarding the proposed legislation.


The Congressional Serial Set

Prints, Reports, and Congressional Documents are all included in the Congressional Serial Set.  Prints, Reports, and Documents published after 1995 are freely available online through govinfo.  


In the Library: