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Auraria Library Research Modules

A guide for importing and using library modules in your Canvas or D2L course.

Auraria Library Research Modules

Auraria Library’s Research Modules are designed to be embedded into your Canvas or D2L course to support student learning and student research assignments. The modules cover many aspects of the research process and work either all together as a series, or as stand-alone modules you can choose to best meet your course needs. While some of the modules are more introductory in nature, most are designed to be used at any research level, from introducing a concept to providing a refresher for more advanced researchers. 

Research Module Descriptions

What is Research, Anyway? 

In this module, students will be able to: 

  • Get a brief overview of what we typically mean when we talk about “doing research.” 
  • Receive some tips for thinking about the process and getting started. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate 
Best Supports: Introductory research assignments of any kind; introducing a new type of research process within a discipline 

Topic Development Module 

In this module, students will be able to: 

  • Generate a list of ideas to explore in order to identify a potential topic.   
  • Describe existing knowledge of a topic in order to identify potential gaps in their knowledge. 
  • Differentiate between research questions and regular questions in order confirm the feasibility of a research question. 
  • Generate a list of protentional research question in order to select one that fits the scope of the assignment. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate, Graduate 
Best Supports: Any information gathering project that requires students to develop and refine their research topic. 

Finding Information Module 

In this module, students will be able to: 

  • Develop contextual knowledge of a topic in order to identify potential keywords. 
  • Identify where to search in order to strategically look for the information they need. 
  • Apply filters in Start My Research in order to maximize relevancy of results. 
  • Perform citation chaining in order to trace the scholarly conversation around a topic. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate, Graduate 
Best Supports: Learning outcomes or assignments that require students to gather information of any type. 

Evaluating Information Module 

In this module, students will be able to: 

  • Identify their information needs in order to evaluate a source for fit.
  • Identify markers of credibility in order to evaluate a source. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate, Graduate 
Best supports: Assignments and learning outcomes that require students to think critically about the information they are gathering; make judgments about information sources; and determine the relevancy a source has to their topic. 

Research Module Descriptions

Reading Scholarly Articles Module

In this module, students will be able to:

  • Apply scholarly reading strategies in order to interpret and select sources pertinent to their research project. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate, Graduate 
Best Supports: Assignments and learning outcomes that require students to comprehend, analyze, and synthesize scholarly journal articles.

Citation Basics Module

In this module, students will be able to:

  • List reasons why citation is an important part of the scholarly conversation.
  • Identify components of a citation when they skim a results page/digital source.

Using Information Module 

In this module, students will be able to: 

  • Recognize their role as part of an ongoing conversation around their research topic.
  • Integrate sources into their research project in order to contextualize their main ideas. 

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate  
Best Supports: Assignments that require students to synthesize the information they have found or use information to support a research topic or thesis.

  • Locate citation guides and help for a variety of citation styles.

User Level: Lower-Level Undergraduate, Upper-Level Undergraduate, Graduate 
Best Supports: Assignments and learning outcomes that require students to cite sources, create an annotated bibliography, or otherwise document their sources.