Welcome to the Social Work research guide. This guide is intended to be a tool to assist you in your social work research endeavors. Because social work is interdisciplinary, there may be databases described as being for psychology or for government information, but they can be useful for social work.
While the resources in this guide are helpful, Start My Research is a great tool for social work because it gathers resources from across the disciplines in one place.
APA PsycInfo is the major indexing and abstracting database for psychology, social work, educational psychology, counseling, and related disciplines with records from over 2,400 journals.
Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, association papers, and reviews focused on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development.
Streaming videos of various therapy and counseling methods and approaches as practiced by experts in the field. Includes counseling sessions/demonstrations, consultations, interviews, lectures, and presentations. Online transcripts and video clip-making tools are available. Relevant to social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
Looking for streaming resources related to psychology, the following databases are good places to start looking. You can also look in Start My Research and filter to streaming media.
Streaming videos of various therapy and counseling methods and approaches as practiced by experts in the field. Includes counseling sessions/demonstrations, consultations, interviews, lectures, and presentations. Online transcripts and video clip-making tools are available. Relevant to social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
Provides access to streaming training videos in the field of counseling, psychology, psychotherapy, and addiction. The majority of the videos show practitioners conducting therapy sessions and demonstrating clinical skills, along with pre- and post-discussions.
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