Auraria Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system to arrange the Library's physical-format resources.
What are LC call numbers? Call numbers are groups of letters and numbers that classify library items by subject. Use them to find items, including books and DVD's, shelved in call number order. You'll usually find the call number on the spine of the book or other resource.
Call number example: For the book Theatre: The Lively Art
PN2037 .W57 2010
Books on the same or similar topics are shelved in the same area. However, since tons of theatre books are available in ebook format, don't solely rely on shelf-browsing to find terrific theatre materials.
This guide supplies tips on finding books in physical and digital format in the Library.
Browse areas rich in theatre studies in the Library
Most of the library's books about theatre are assigned the call numbers below, so these are good areas to browse. The print format books you can check out out are on the Library's second floor and quick referral books are on the first floor in the Reference Stacks .
LC Call Number areas of interest include: