This encyclopedia examines and explores the lives and experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) individuals focusing on the contexts and forces that shape their lives.
Issues explored in this title include the role of non-traditional same-sex families, and expanded protections for transgender people under the framework of civil rights.
Discusses the 20th century through today, gay and lesbian artists, writers, political activists, and sports figures contributed their talents to all areas of popular culture.
A three-volume survey of more than 400 years of lesbian and gay history and culture in the United States, presented through over 500 alphabetically arranged entries.
The first and most enduring award for LGBT books, sponsored by the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table. Currently divided into two categories: literature and nonfiction.
Sponsored by the Publishing Triangle, an association of gay and lesbian publishers, these annual awards recognize lifetime achievement, fiction, non-fiction, and drama.