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Using the Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology*

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed. (BMDB-9)

The purpose of this manual is to help in the identification of bacteria. It is arranged based on phenotypic information.

How to use the manual

  1. Determine the phylogenetic tree for the bacterium of interest.
  2. Go to the Contents pages at the beginning of the manual and look for the Group for your bacterium.
  3. Under each Group you will find a list of the Genera that belong to the Group.

Group 17   GRAM-POSITIVE COCCI................................................527
                    Genus Aerococcus....527     Genus Peptococcus................530
                    Genus Coprococcus..527     Genus Peptostreptococcus.....530

Alternatively, you can look for the Genus of the bacterium in the "Index of Scientific Names of Bacteria" at the back of the manual and select the page number in bold.

A more thorough explanation on the use of the BMDB-9 is provided in Chapter 1, "Using This Manual" (p.1).


*Holt JG, Krieg NR, Sneath PHA, Staley JT, Williams ST, editors. 1994. Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology. 9th ed. Baltimore (MD): Williams & Wilkins.