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CU Denver Research and Creative Activities Symposium
- Students WILL need to provide their own poster foam board and clips to attach IF you requested easels versus wall space in their application/submission. If wall space was selected when you submitted your application, you will NOT need poster foam board and adhesive will be provided to adhere your poster to the wall.
- Easels will be provided.
- Posters are limited to a maximum of 3’ x 4’ (2’ x 4’ would fit within those parameters).
- It is not absolutely required that students use specific school branding or logos but it is highly encouraged in accordance with best practices.
MSU Denver Undergraduate Research Conference
- Poster foam board and clips will be provided to attach your poster.
- Easels will also be provided.
- Posters are limited to a maximum of 3’ x 4’.
- The MSU Denver logo should be used and students should follow MSU Denver branding standards.