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Videos & Streaming Media

Streaming Video Tips

  • Browse within a specific collection to find interesting films you may not otherwise find. Most databases have topics or subjects you can browse.
  • Many databases also offer advanced search options, including transcript searching or limiting by genre.
  • Most of the Library's streaming video collections supply the citation you need for a bibliography.
  • Create a free account to take full advantage of useful extras such as the ability to create clips.
  • Most videos include full transcripts and/or closed-captioning.

Auraria Library's Streaming Video Collections

Creating Clips

After accessing these databases from Auraria Library's website, create an account. The registration process is simple and each database requires a user to be logged in to create clips.

Alexander Street (Includes Academic Video Online (AVON), Counseling & Therapy in Video, Filmmakers Library, Opera in Video,  and Theatre in Video.)

     Creating Clips

  • Click on Clips at the top of the screen.
  • Choose start and end times by dragging the green start box and red end box to the desired points

Films on Demand (FOD)

     Creating Clips

  • All Films on Demand videos have pre-made segments in a list on the left side of the opening page.
  • At the bottom of the pre-made segment list, click on Create Custom Segment
  • Fill in start and end time for the clip you're creating

     Using Captioning

     To set captioning as the default:

  • Sign into your user account.
  • Click User Options in the upper right.
  • In the User Options menu, click My User Preferences.
  • Under Closed Captioning, select the Show by Default checkbox.

     Using Interactive Transcripts

  • Click on the Transcript tab to the right of the video player to view the interactive transcript.
  • Jump to a different section of the video by clicking on a word within the transcript; the video will skip to that point.
  • Jump back or ahead using the status bar on top of the transcript module, or within the player itself. Or, use the Search bar to locate a specific part.

     Saving the URL to a Films on Demand Video

  • Don't use the web page URL at the top of the page - that URL is not permanent, and may change.  
  • Use the Title or Segment URL located beneath the opening screen of a video.

Kanopy (Note: Though Kanopy's a great collection, getting to the clip-making process is not intuitive. It's not difficult, just not obvious!)

     Creating Clips

  • In the More menu under the video screen, choose Create Clip/Playlist
  • A Create Playlist box will appear. Name the Playlist and choose Create
  • Choose Edit Playlist
  • Choose Edit
  • You will now be able to name and describe your clip and choose a start and end time for the clip