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Videos & Streaming Media

Creating Clips in Specific Streaming Video Databases

After accessing these databases from Auraria Library's website, create an account. The registration process is simple and each database requires a user to be logged in to create clips.

Alexander Street (Includes Academic Video Online (AVON), Counseling & Therapy in Video, Filmmakers Library, Opera in Video,  and Theatre in Video.)

     Creating Clips

  • Click on Clips at the top of the screen.
  • Choose the start and end times by dragging the orange bar to the desired start and end points

Films on Demand (FOD)

     Creating Clips

  • All Films on Demand videos have pre-made segments in a list on the right side of the opening page.
  • Underneath the video, click on the Segments button to Create a New Segment
  • Fill in start and end time for the clip you're creating

     Using Captioning

     To set captioning as the default:

  • Sign into your user account.
  • Click on the icon of a person in the upper right and then Account Settings in the drop-down menu.
  • In the Account Settings menu, under Caption Settings, select "Always start my videos with closed captions enabled."

     Using Interactive Transcripts

  • Click on the Transcript tab to the right of the video player to view the interactive transcript.
  • Jump to a different section of the video by clicking on a word within the transcript; the video will skip to that point.
  • Jump back or ahead using the status bar on top of the transcript module, or within the player itself. Or, use the Search bar to locate a specific part.

     Saving the URL to a Films on Demand Video

  • Don't use the web page URL at the top of the page - that URL is not permanent and may change.  
  • Use the Share button beneath a video 

Kanopy (Note: Though Kanopy's a great collection, getting to the clip-making process is not intuitive. It's not difficult, just not obvious!)

     Creating Clips

  • On the description page after selecting a video but before playing it, select the Playlist tab.
  • Create a playlist
  • Select add to playlist
  • Go to playlist and select the three dots next to the clip of the added video
  • Select Edit
  • Adjust start time and end time of clip
  • Save

Showing Streaming Videos in Class on Auraria Campus

Instructors, you need a great Internet connection to reliably stream videos in Auraria campus classrooms.

To ensure you have a good connection when using an AHEC-supported classroom...

  • Plug your laptop into an Ethernet connection rather than connecting over Wi-Fi.
  • If possible, test the wireless in any classroom before holding class.
  • Problems? Your campus IT may be able to help.
    • CU Denver: IT Services Help Desk Phone: 303-724-4357
    • MSU Denver IT Services Help Desk Phone Number: 303-352-7548.
    • CCD: IT Services Help Desk Phone: 303-352-3030.

Streaming Kanopy Videos off Campus

To stream videos through Kanopy, users must be logged into their accounts. Access to Kanopy is provided through the library, but when one person is attempting to stream Kanopy content over virtual platforms like Zoom, the service has no way to authenticate every person in the Zoom call. This results in Kanopy content being censored in share screen features. Audio may play, but the video will remain a black screen.

In order to circumvent this, you can create custom playlists of clips. You can then share this playlist with participants of the Zoom meeting for everyone to be able to view the same content at once. Or you can simply send links of the videos that you would like participants to view and they can log in and view them individually.