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Books & eBooks

This guide will help you find a specific book or books about a topic.

Digital Repositories

An avalanche of materials continue to be digitized and made available at no charge, including ebooks, art, historic documents, journal articles, current writings, photographs, and more. The repositories below help unearth items pertinent to most topics.

Multi-Subject Free eBook Sites

Free eBooks for Children

Free eBooks in Humanities and Social Sciences

Free Non-English Language eBooks

Free eBooks in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


Image result for no cost Source:! Ah. Who doesn't love that word? 
Auraria Libary owns and links to an impressive number of ebooks and there are even more online for free. These large ebook collections and digital repositories may be particularly useful for historical research, though plenty of up-to-date titles can be found as well. Going straight to one of these collections can be more useful than a general Web search once you identify collections of particular importance to your research.