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Books & eBooks

This guide will help you find a specific book or books about a topic.

Library of Congress Quick Table: A through K

A For works too general to be classed with any particular subject
AE Encyclopedias (General)
AI Indexes (General)
AY Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
B-BD Philosophy, Logic
BF Psychology
BH-BJ Aesthetics, Ethics
BL-BX Religion
C Auxiliary Sciences of History
CB History of Civilization and Culture (General)
CC Archaeology (General)
CT Biography (General)
D History: General and all areas except North & South America
DA-DR England and Europe
DS Asia
DT Africa
DU Oceania (South Seas)
E History: United States
F History: US Local History, Canada South America
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
G-GF Geography, Oceanography
GN-GT Anthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Folklore
GV Recreation, Physical Education, Dance
H Social Sciences (General)
HB-HC Economics
HD Management, Land Use, Industry, Labor
HE Transportation, Broadcasting
HF Commerce, Marketing, Accounting
HG Finance, Insurance, Investments
HJ Government Finance
HM-HX Sociology
HV Social Work
J Political Sciences
J Official Documents
JC Political Theory
JF Constitutional History and Administration
JK-JO Government of Countries
JS Local Government
JX International Law
K Law
KF Law of the United States
KFC Law of Colorado

Library of Congress Quick Table: L through Z

L Education
LB-LC Theory and Practice of Education
LT Teaching Materials: grades K-12, children's books
M Music
M Music Scores
ML Literature of Music
MT Music Instruction and Study
N Fine Arts
NA Architecture
NB-NK Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, Printmaking
NK Decorative Arts, Crafts, Decoration and Ornament
P Language and Literature
P Philology and Linguistics
PA Classical Language and Literature
PB-PH European Languages
PJ-PL Oriental and Asian Language and Literature
PM American Indian Language and Literature
PN Literary History and Collections (Includes all the performing arts.)
PR English Literature
PS American Literature
PT Germanic Literature
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics, Computer Science
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural History
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human Anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology
R Medicine
RA Public Aspects of Medicine
RC Internal Medicine
RT Nursing
S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant Culture
SF Animal Culture
T Technology
TA-TN Engineering (Structural, Civic, Mechanical)
TL Aeronautics
U Military Science
V Naval Science
Z History of Books, Bibliography, Library Science