DOAJ is a website that hosts a community-curated list of more than 20,000 open access journals. The journals cover 89 languages across academic disciplines. Journals undergo a rigorous application and quality-control process before being added to the DOAJ index.
Under the tabs above (Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Decision Support, etc.), this guide lists a number of sources you can use to research the various aspects of Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence.
If you find that in some cases these sources or the "Information Resources" on this page (see left) don't answer all of your questions, you can always search for answers to those questions on the internet. However, selecting the best internet resources to support your research involves more than finding good content. There are several other factors you must also consider to make sure a resource is reliable and appropriate for your needs.
Lastly, before proceeding with your research please see the "Plagarism" box (below), which contains important information!
There is a lot of useful information online and in print. Some information comes from reliable sources, while other information does not. When deciding whether a resource is appropriate for academic research, evaluate it based on these qualities:
For more information, see the Criteria tab on the Evaluating Sources guide.
Plagiarism is unacceptable in any academic environment. Our learners come from many different academic backgrounds and many are unfamiliar with the academic standard for plagiarism. Therefore we ask that all learners review these guidelines, and follow them when submitting assignments. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in serious consequences, including removal from a course. Project submissions will be investigated if they are flagged or have activity related to repeated submissions for academic dishonesty. If an assignment is deemed have been submitted with any academic dishonesty, any credit toward a course grade for that assignment will be removed and the assignment’s grade will be permanently overridden to zero.
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