You may find articles on your products through an electronic database, but information doesn’t count as an "article" if you find it through a web site. If you can’t find the name of the journal, magazine or newspaper the information is from in the website your'e using, then it's not an article. A quicker and easier way to find the articles you need is to use the databases below (click on the database names!).
Presents full text profiles, including histories, chronologies, financial data, SWOT analysis, leadership, brands, investment reports, competitors, news and journal articles, and rankings, of US and international companies. Includes profiles of countries, which includes GDP and top companies, and industries, which includes revenue and top companies.
Includes full text access to over 1,000 regional, national, and international scholarly business journals, business periodicals, and industry publications. Topics include management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and much more. Also has case studies, company profiles, country economic reports, industry reports, CountryWatch forecasts, market research reports, and SWOT analyses. the Icon Group.
Provides access to news articles, business intelligence, and other business sources, including The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), The Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires, and the Associated Press. Includes company snapshots with news, key developments, peer comparison, corporate family, financials, filings, industry classifications, and analysis.
Research companies, the products and technologies they produce, and the markets in which they compete. Includes summaries and full text from business and trade journals, industry newsletters, newspapers, market research studies, news releases, and investment and brokerage firm reports.