Online market research tool monitors economic trends and gives strategic analysis, market size, and market share for numerous products across key countries. Passport includes demographic, psychographic, economic and marketing reports, and statistics, which are comparable across countries. It provides country profiles that include economic news and emerging sectors, and integrated data sets that provide historical trends and forecasting numbers. Datasets may be downloaded to Excel.
In this example, we'll look for the population in France for people aged between 10-14, 20-24 and 70-74. This search will be broken into 2 categories: statistics and analysis. Click on the Passport link above, then on the "Accept" button on the following page, and finally on THE ITEMS IN BOLD BELOW (which you’ll find in that database) in the following order:
1. HOW TO SEARCH FOR STATISTICS - Click on the following pull-down menus and items under those menus.
A. Scroll down the right-hand side of the page to the “Search All Categories” Box, then select Consumers, and click on Go.
B. Scroll down the left-hand side of the page to the “Population” tab and click on the + there.
C. Go to the “Total Population” tab and click on the + there.
D. Go to the “Population Aged 0-14” tab and click on the + there.
E. Go to the “Population Aged 10-14” tab and click on and check the box there.
F. Go to the “Population Aged 15-64” tab and click on the + there.
G. Go to the “Population Aged 20-24” tab and click on and check the box there.
H. Go to the “Population Aged 65+” tab and click on the + there.
I. Go to the “Population Aged 70-74” tab and click on and check the box there.
J. Go to the lower right-hand corner of the page and click on the Next button.
K. Scroll down the left-hand side of the page to the “Western Europe” tab and click on the + there.
L. Go to the “France” tab and click on and check the box there, then click on the Search button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
M. Click on the blue View Full Data Set” box.
N. See the resulting table for the population data you need. Add 3 zeros (000) to every population number in the table, for example: 3,658.4 is actually 3,658,400.
A. Starting from the table mentioned above (in 1.N.), click on your browser’s back button and go to the previous page.
B. Click on the Analysis tab on that page.
C. This will produce a list of reports related to the population in France. Unfortunately, it is the nature of this search that while some of these reports may relate to the population in France in the age ranges of 10-14, 20-24 and 70-74, others may not! This will be true regardless of what topic you search
For less developed countries, try EMIS Emerging Markets (linked below) which has news, industry information, as well as company and financial data from more than 25 emerging markets worldwide.
EMIS presents news, industry information, company profiles, reports, financial data, closing price quotes, macroeconomic statistics and forecasts, and legal and political news from emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe. Include articles in over a dozen languages.