- Practice aloud!
- Make sure your talking speed is easy to follow.
- Move out from behind the podium.
- Make eye contact.
- Own the room by moving around (if you can).
- Don't read off your slides or cards.
- Use natural language rather than heavy jargon.
- It's okay to be nervous - veteran speakers still get nervous when giving a presentation.
- Avoid distracting gestures.
- Use a varied and interesting voice.
- Remember to breathe - and have water to hand - just in case!
- Practice makes perfect!
- Practice your presentation until you can say it without glancing at your notes often.
- During your presentation, make sure that you: dress professionally, make eye contact with the audience, do not pace around the room and do not read from your slides or notes.
Slide Show (if using)
- Keep each slide simple and make the content purposeful.
- Lists or bullet points are best.
- Check color contrast between text and background, both on your computer and when projected.
- Make text and important visuals big enough to be read even from the back of the room.
- Use an easy-to-read font, such as Arial.
- Use pictures that communicate meaning.
- Blank space on the slide makes it easier to read.
- Highlight key information.
- Keep effects and animations to a minimum.
- Have a consistent layout for each slide.
- Make supplemental materials, such as handouts, to make it easier for the audience to following along.
- Add captions to audio or video content to make it fully accessible.
- Provide citations for material you reference including quotes, images, and data.
Always have a back up plan (handouts, examples) just in case the technology fails on the day!